A Short History
In 2016 Pastor Ken Prodzinski began the exciting journey to revitalize a rapidly dying independent bible church, then known as, Cornerstone Bible Church. The small congregation was made up of about half from a reformed Baptist tradition and about half from an independent fundamental background. Over the next several years this revitalization exploded in the hearts of this small congregation. Our Sunday morning service was packed with deep theology as we journeyed through multiply books. First off was the gospel of Mark, followed by the book of Ephesians, and then 1 Timothy & 2 Timothy. The glory of expository preaching was taking root. And the hunger to know God, His word, and glorify Him as God was exploding in the hearts of His people. These were exciting days as we were being transformed by the power of His word through the work of the Spirit into a new healthy reformed church.
God continued this work, and in 2021 we merged with a another church. Now we are a new church, changing our name to a new name, Cornerstone Church. We are church in the reformed tradition, holding closely to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith.
So, what is Reformed theology? Reformed takes its name from the Protestant Reformation that took place in the sixteenth century when the church was reformed to be more Biblical in its teaching and practice. It has also been called “Calvinism” after John Calvin, who so clearly and systematically taught these doctrines in his Institutes of the Christian Religion, and “Augustinianism” after Augustine, who defended these doctrines in the fourth and fifth centuries. It might also be called “Paulinism” because though it is taught throughout the Bible, it is especially emphasized in the epistles of Paul. While our preference would be to eschew all “isms” and simply call ourselves Christ followers or Christians, out of deference to others who believe differently but still claim the name of Christ, we use the name reformed to describe ourselves.